May 24, 2010

The Same Old Story

The Black Waters of Echos Pond looks like a cheap ripoff of Jumanji, but with nudity and horror for adults.

They both start off the same way...
  • Some idiot centuries earlier finds an evil game.
  • Present[ish] day, someone else discovers it hidden behind boards.
  • They open it.
  • They play it.
  • They are sucked into the game and bad things happen.
  • One has lots of nudity and scary CGI things, the other has Robin Williams and monkeys.
Well done, Gabriel Bologna, you've unsuccessfully stolen the plot to Jumanji and Zathura. Both written by the same man who ripped his own book off to make a sequel. High-fives all around!

Blogging the depths of the abyss,

May 22, 2010

I!!!1 ACCEPT!!1!!!!11!

Uhhm... how many exclamations points are acceptable in a reply email to a future employer about an interview??
Blogging the depths of the abyss!

ps: Like 8? 9? Just give me a ballpark estimate here.

May 20, 2010

VIP Party

I am pretty sure that being half black [Halfrican] got me into some secret club where all the black people say hi to me and think we are besties. This club occurs wherever there are gatherings of people. Streets, buses, restaurants, stores, etc.

Blogging the depths of the abyss,