February 19, 2008

The Sound of Inconsiderate Music

Why isn't life more like "The Sound of Music"?

I often run through open rolling fields, singing at the top of my lungs. But the hills aren't alive! And I don't like schnitzel with noodles or bright copper kettles!

I tried running through the fields again this morning and was asked to leave the winery.

Blogging the depths of the abyss,


I guess I thought I was being really funny when I gave David Djovua a wedgie, but what I didn't know was that he would grow up to be a multi-millionaire CEO of a huge construction company.

Well, I guess selling sand to elementary kids at the playground isn't really like a huge company.

And, I also suppose that beating up those same kids for their lunch money isn't really like being a millionaire.

So really, I guess he's just an ordinary guy. But, we'll always have Nam.

Blogging the depths of the abyss,

Amen, you may be seated

I've been thinking a lot about cooking lately. I love making up my own recipes while I am cooking.

Then I started thinking about restaurants. What would my restaurant be like? I'm not entirely sure, but I kind of got on this religious kick and came up with a few menu options.

The Righteous Last Supper's menu:
  • Father, Son, and Pimento Loaf

  • Pontius Pie

  • Dulce de Liturgy

  • The Biblackened Chicken

  • Potatorah Salad

  • Peanut Begetter and Jelly Sandwich

  • Messiahroni and Cheese

  • Blasphemeef Stroganoff

  • Bluciferberry Pancakes

  • Potato AuGrautrinity

  • Chicken Marsangela

  • Creme BruLent

When the diners come in, the hostess will take them to their table and say, "You may be seated."And of course, we will serve bread and wine as appetizers. However, whether or not people pray before their meal will be up to them.

Blogging the depths of the abyss,